Stage Directions for One Performer
Forget yourself because
Remember: you cannot tickle yourself. This must show on your face
Be whoever whose hand you can hold
Be the lovers doubting each other
Be outside yourself and whole
Linger in it
Be a fruit, inside of which another fruit has been put
Be whoever who stares at a reading person in a restaurant
Be the eye’s eye
Choose the correct moment, well assessed and well explained
Give yourself orders. Follow them
Order yourself from without, because it is the only way
Touch your delusion in delusion
Remember the wind
Put the music on with volume so low that you cannot hear it
Think: being sick is caring
Be as if you were listening
Be the story told by anyone, in which you finally find yourself
(finding is a curse)
Think that you hear the music, but do not think about the music
Be, linger, in non-occurence and tie
Be, linger, think about hurrying
Think about wine drank in a hurry
Acquire a quality bottle of wine and drink it at leasure
Be the groceries at the cash desk
Follow as the receipt is refused
Hear laughter from above
Hear how the child says:
— This utopia was built for the new middle class. But they did not find it suitable.
That is why it is so cheap here. Our family…
Be the October November light
Be tired, but ready to act.
Be everything that is built on sand.
Be the civilization and rustle on the carpet
Understand that the birds are escaping and escape.