Ὁ βίος βραχύς,

ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή,

ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξύς,

ἡ δὲ πεῖρα σφαλερή,

ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπή.


Vīta brevis,

ars longa,

occāsiō praeceps,

experīmentum perīculōsum,

iūdicium difficile.


Life is short,

and art long,

opportunity fleeting,

experimentations perilous,

and judgment difficult.

  • Hippocrates (physician, 460-370 BC)


You have 15 minutes. Seven minutes for seven theories of art. Seven minutes for seven performative eggs. One minute for navigating.

The artists by contrast have used lifetimes to perfect their expertise in order to prepare these minutes for you. This contrast is a “symptom of the conditions of our work”, to borrow an expression from the art theory of Elina Minn

Thus this issue #9 of ICE HOLE is also a symptom. It provides you with an easy, calibrated-for-2020s access to performance art and art theory. It is short and divided into even shorter episodes, it is consumable with a smartphone and the contents are delivered in the topical video format. We have wrapped it all up in an eggshell for you. Even this editorial is over in a minute.

An egg is a smooth, compact package, encompassing all that new life needs. It is the source from which our time flows. Use yours wisely as the artists have done.

Special Thanks to Christopher Hewitt from liveartwork.com for finalizing the videos.

With never-ending enthusiasm,

Nora Rinne, Pilvi Porkola and Tuomas Laitinen
ICE HOLE – The Live Art Journal, issue #9